

This image prompts me to write about life generally - how often there is sunshine in our lives amid the storms and cold of winter.

Our travelers have stopped to talk - we all do on our journey stop on the way and get distracted and the pathway changes.  They are dressed for the winter weather with hats, gloves and scarves.

A point is being made judging by the hand gesture and I wonder about the conversation is it about direction, weather or are they just in awe of the view before them?

It makes me think of how often we go out on our journey unprepared for what is ahead of us - these guys have no skis with them so what is the purpose of the trip to the mountain?

Make sure you are prepared for your journey by packing all that you can possibly need without overloading yourself.



Unknown said...

Scary, what would I need? Chocolate and shoes of course, the contents in my handbag are a must (whatever they are) but as for the rest???????

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