

My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the 31 people who died when a Chinook Helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan and this prompted to me to write.

One life lost is one too many - futile losses in a futile war. I cannot grasp the understanding of what we are doing there and cannot see that we are achieving anything.  I know what I am told about it but even if my head did understand my heart does not.

Our own Australian boys are fighting there and some paying the supreme sacrifice and I have no words of comfort or solace to offer to families torn apart by this.

Donovan - The Universal Soldier

We have had the war to end all wars, we have fought again in WW2, we have had Korea, Vietnam, The Falklands and the Middle East - and we are not getting anywhere at all.

Bring them home is my thought - alive and not decorated in their country's flag after a ramp ceremony.

This is not the way to put an end to war.



Unknown said...

Bring them all home now, instead a futile war where no one wins but a lot of hearts are broken and lives destroyed

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