

I am sitting by the river because I need to be alone - I am cross with the world and for the way I feel it treats me badly - I am cross with my family because they didn't like the noise I made when I was happy.
I wanted to dance and sing and share the nice things that were happening to me.

So if I am alone I can let my thoughts wander and dream about the things I want to do when I am grown up.
I want to be a dancer and spin and turn to the magic of music - I would also like to play the piano and let others dance to the tinkling music.   These are only dreams and I like my dreams because no one can tell me to stop or be quiet and I can dance for as long as I wish. 

My dream can't be real as I can hear my Mother calling me and I must go back to the real world where I shall have to set the table and forget about dancing for the moment - but in my dreams they are real and I can dance forever.



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