
Brainstorm 10 titles to your autobiography.

Wow this is a real challenge and an interesting prompt - going to task my brain a little I think.  But guess starting at the beginning would be a good thing.

Below are listed 10 random thoughts - although the first one at number 1 is something I have thought about often.  They are not listed in any order of preference.

    1. Hi, This is Linda
    2. Walk with Me
    3. Dancing on the Wind
    4. The Pages of Avalon
    5. The Wonder of it All
    6. My Second Chance
    7. Me and My Thoughts
    8. Horses, Home and Hope
    9. Linspiration and Lindulgence
    10. Sensitive Soliloquy

Well, there you have the 10 that come to mind - as I said number one has always been in my mind - that is the response I make when I answer the telephone and the final words of this auto biography would be words that many of my friends know well.

"Goodnight to you, sleep warm and well and sweet sweet dreams be yours."

Love and hugs,


Unknown said...

well done! That is a hard one, will have to have a go when I get through this other list

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