
Name five things in your refrigerator.

Inside the Fridge

The challenge here is to write about five things in my fridge - well starting with the obvious ones - there is milk and butter.  Cream and cheese and some sliced cold meat.   There is five and I haven't even begun to tell you what is in there.

There is coffee in a sealed container and some batteries and candles too - the batteries have an extended life is they are stored in the fridge and the candles burn longer.

There are all sorts of other things in there - vegetables, soft drinks, some bottled wine and two bottles of beer I keep for guests.  A cold cooked chicken and some chocolate.

It is really hard to limit it to five and I guess I broke the rules.  I am very grateful for my fridge and freezer - they just sit there singing all day doing their job and I get so frustrated at having to clean them out - a bit rude on my behalf I think.

Another quirky thing in my fridge in summer is my lipstick - it needs to be kept cool in our summer climate.

So there you have it - what is in my fridge.

Love and hugs,



Unknown said...

Chocolate, did you say chocolate!

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