
Right now, I'm feeling...

Home made bread.

Right now I am feeling - physically a little cold because it is a winter morning, but my emotions are all fine.  

I am feeling contented and pleased - I have rye bread in the bread maker cooking, soup in the slow cooker, laundry in the washing machine - so all in all I would say I am a lucky girl to have all these things that make life so much easier so I am feeling thankful.

I have lovely coffee and the whole day in front of me to travel at the speed I wish to travel - and to do the things along the way that call my name.  

I am feeling a little concerned for those I know who have major health issues and whose path is not an easy one - but having entrusted them to the powers that be I can do no more than send positive healing thoughts their way.

As a Mother I always have concerns about my kids, but I have also learned to enjoy the fact that they are grown and responsible for themselves and that I can bask in the knowledge that I was part of making them who they are.

All in all - right now I am feeling thankful and at peace with myself - soon I shall start up the dishwasher and whisper a thank you for that too - my life is so much easier because of these appliances.

Until the next prompt spurs me into writing - sending warm and caring hugs your way and always I am feeling grateful to the Donor who gave me the gift of life.  Warm thoughts are winging to his family.



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