
Share 10 things that bring you pleasure..............

Discovering my senses - I love them all - would not like to choose which one I would miss most of all.  They all have their time and their place in my life.,

"These things have I loved...."

  • The touch of a velvet rose petal
  • Daffodils in spring
  • Freshly brewed coffee
  • The smell of bread baking
  • Lights on a Christmas tree
  • The touch and smell of a new baby
  • The purring of a cat
  • The smell of  rain on warm earth
  • A diamond studded sky
  • The moon in a clear sky
I know for certain I could go on for a long time, but the challenge was to choose 10 and these are the first ten that came to mind.   Others would include splashing in puddles, sand between my toes, walking barefoot on frosty grass, the wind in my hair, the touch of a hand and oh so many many more.

Love and hugs,


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