
My 10 favorite sounds

I shall have to be careful and be sure that there are l0 of these and not nine like my favourite words list held.  This is not in any particular order and lists 10 sounds that I like - there are probably more and some I like more than others.

  • The glug glug sound when pouring wine from a bottle.
  • ice clinking in a beautiful glass
  • the soft and gentle noises of a baby sleeping
  • Music in all its forms
  • the popping of a champagne cork
  • the ice cream van when it visits my street
  • the rolling ocean and rippling river
  • wind through the trees
  • crunching and walking through autumn leaves
  • laughter

This wasn't an easy challenge and I am sure there are lots more could add, but there you have ten.

Love and hugs,


Unknown said...

They are all beautiful sounds and our world is richer for having them

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