

Awareness Ribbons

The word "Awareness" has a dictionary definition of:

to be informed, alert and knowledgeable.

Awareness for me comes from an inner sense of a situation or being - and from there I often research and acquire knowledge.  In a romantic sense one is very "aware" of the presence of that other being from the flutters of the tummy butterflies and the wings on the heels. Love and romance can grow from that awareness.

There are so many campaigns out there now in an endeavour to increase awareness of many illnesses and diseases and to promote awareness of these causes we are asked to, and I often do, wear a specific coloured ribbon.

There are so many of them - too many to list but I will list a few that I do wear a ribbon for:

Red - Aids Awareness
Pink - Breast Cancer Awareness
Green - Organ and Tissue Donation
Purple - Domestic Violence Awareness
Orange - Amnesty International
White - A man should not hit a woman.
Teal - Ovarian Cancer Awareness
Jig Saw Colours - Autism

With awareness comes knowledge and with knowledge comes the responsibility to pass the information on to others and this is achieved by wearing the ribbon and engaging in conversation with people regarding the cause you are supporting.

I am grateful for my awareness of so many things.

Find the colour, learn about the cause and wear the ribbon with pride.  Increase "awareness"

Love and hugs,


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