

This prompt came from a conversation in a group I belong to and just went from there.  

I have a memory of a teacher that I cherish.  Miss Betty Webster was her name - she was tall, blonde and walked strongly and firmly and you could hear her coming down the corridor long before she came into view.   
Often she was loaded with books, bags and "stuff".

Her teaching subjects were History and English and I was fortunate enough to be in her History class, and I can truly say that my love of history came from the way she made it live for me.

I have one specific memory of Miss Webster.   During a History class I was talking (nothing has changed) and I heard her say - "Linda - see me after class" - which left me with a feeling of dread.  I had been chewing bubble gum in class and was worried as to what was going to happen.,

Class duly finished and I presented myself to Miss Webster shaking in my shoes and her comment to me was - "if you are going to chew gum and blow bubbles do it properly" - she then proceeded to teach me how to blow bubbles with bubble gum.  I loved her then and I love the memory still.  She was a brilliant teacher, but also knew how to engage her students by being "real".

She was more than a teacher - she was an educator and gave me cherished memories and a passion for history and dates.  Her life was tragically cut short when she died from cancer and I recall the tears I shed as I sang in the School Choir at her funeral.

If no-one else remembers you Miss Webster - I do with great affection.

Love and hugs,
(and I am sure you would remember me)


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