
Writing to a Picture Prompt

As a child I loved and as an adult I still do love the Carousel with the beautiful painted horses and the music.  I love the up and down and the round and round - I can remember waving to my Parents each time it went around, and in turn I recall my children waving to me. 

The anticipation and excitement I felt each time I climbed on one of the horses (generally for me it had to be a white or grey dappled) was wonderful and I still can feel the excitement of it all.  There were lots of other events at the Fair Ground, but this was my favourite.

It does I guess represent life with it's ups and downs and the fact that we go round and round in our daily living.  I can remember not being brave enough to mount one of the steeds, but sitting going round and round in a little carriage and then - one day I was brave enough and away we went.  I kept coming back for another ride and still feel the magic of it all when I hear the music.  There have been lots of times in my life when I haven't been brave enough and have just gone around in the "little carriage" and then other times when I have climbed aboard for the ride of my life.

I like the continuity of the ride, the steady up and down and round and round and the fact that on those round and round times I can see the world around me and the people I love there waiting for me.  Those up times allow me to see higher and on the down time I know that there will be an up time again.

Life is indeed a Carousel and long live the Carousel.

Love and hugs,


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