

The challenge today is to use this image as a prompt and the heading is Car Accident, however this,  in the words of my Police Accident Investigator friend is merely a "fender bender" - no real harm done apart from dented pride and some minor damage to the vehicles.  It looks like it happened in a car parking lot - probably the local supermarket and I am told they happen there everyday.

These merely cause inconvenience and a little cost - probably not worth making a claim on insurance with no claims bonus etc.    The accidents that bother me more than these are those where speed and alcohol are involved and often with young drivers at the wheel.  Also those where drivers try to run a red light or beat a train.

The impact of those serious road crashes is rather like the ripple effect - it affects parents, wives/husbands, families, friends, Police, Ambulance and any one else called to attend and often leaves lasting damage in the minds of those merely doing their job.

The "impact" is often more than at the scene, it can travel over the world - the death of Diana, Princess of Wales proved that.   My family has been touched by a death in a motor vehicle accident when my cousins son was killed - he was passenger in the back seat of a vehicle.  Such tragic waste of life and the long term damage caused to his family is immense.

I would never get behind the wheel if I had a drink - If I were the driver I didn't drink and now that I can't I am always the designated driver.  

Fatigue is another issue - pull over and take time to rest.  On long journeys share the driving and if the weather is bad take some time out - better to arrive late than
"dead on time".

Love and hugs,


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