
Does Living Matter?.........................

Kenny Chesney and Dave Matthews - I'm Alive.

Does living matter?     Indeed it does. 

It starts with being alive - breathing in and breathing out and until you come very close to not being able to do that you don't realize just how important it is.  Having come back from the edge I know how important it is to be living.

Being alive is not enough for me - I want to live each day and be present to the moments of my life.
I want to listen to music, walk barefoot in the grass, splash in puddles, write from my heart, share gentle moments with those I love, laugh until I cry.  Have special meals with my family and friends, to share lovely fragrances, see beautiful flowers, admire a spider in my garden, watch a butterfly as the visits for a while.
I want to celebrate birthdays and Christmas and watch the children in my life grow and develop.

I want to snuggle in a warm bed, bake bread, make soup, pick flowers and celebrate life.   Being alive is fine and very wonderful but "Does living Matter?"  Oh yes it surely does.

Love and hugs,


Unknown said...

It most certainly does! Grateful each day that I wake to another day

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