
Write a letter to your Father...

A Photo for you Dad taken in February.
Dear Edward,

This is just a short letter to let you know how much I miss you.   You have been gone for nearly eight years and it seems like only yesterday that I got the phone call telling me you had gone.  I can remember what I was wearing and how quickly I acted and drove out to where you were.

There is an empty space in my life - a hole in my heart that is shaped just like you and no one could fill it ever,

There are so many things that I miss about you - I miss the times we would have coffee and do crossword puzzles together, recite poetry, listen to music and laugh together.   I have so many good and happy memories of things we did together.  As a child I can remember riding bikes through the park and also at the docks, collecting bluebells and walking through markets together.   I never came home without a gift - you gave me everything I could have ever wanted.

When I drove the car and you were passenger I recall clear memories of you "driving" from the passenger seat and giving me directions - which I just ignored.

You would call me "pig headed" and "stubborn" and as I age I am aware of where I got that from.  I was your only child and I am proud to have been Edward's girl.

Thanks for the love and the generosity, thanks for all you were and still mean to be - I am trying to live my life in such a way that you would be proud of the woman I became.

Your love of the sea lives on in my heart and all things nautical bring you to mind.  The sea was your mistress and you loved her with a passion.  I was blessed indeed that you loved me and believed in me and for that I say Thank you.

I am glad you were not here to see how ill I have been because that would have almost destroyed you and I was aware of your presence with me during the most difficult times.  There was an awareness that it was not my time and I should "go back" - thanks for telling me that.  I am living life in the fullest of measure and finding joy in little things and lots of happy hours in memories of you.

My love and care comes from a grateful heart and I was proud to call you Dad.

Love and hugs,


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