

Beautiful perfume

I have recently come to the end of a bottle of much loved perfume and left the bottle in my underwear drawer in an attempt to eke out the last bit of the fragrance and of course that prompted to thinking about fragrance and aroma (as opposed to stink and stench).

The part of the brain that enables our sense of smell is located very close to the part that triggers memory which accounts for why a certain smell will evoke memories so easily.

I love perfume and fragrance in every form - hand cream, shower gels, lotions and potions, lots of which I can no longer use because of my skin, but lots I still enjoy.   I like the crisp fruity smells with some shampoos and the rich floral and spicy notes of perfume.  There are however so many other aromas and smells in life that I really enjoy.   No number this time - just a list of several.

  • Bread Baking
  • Soups and Casseroles
  • Freshly brewed coffee
  • Rain on warm earth
  • Newly mown grass
  • A new baby
  • The sweet smell of a horse
  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Onions frying
  • Wet damp earth 
  • Roses
  • Daffodils
  • Pine trees
  • Gum trees
  • New and glossy paper
  • Gun powder (the snaps from Christmas Cracker or party poppers)
  • A new car
  • Cherry tobacco in a pipe
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Nail polish
These are just a few - check your memory bank and see what you can find.  I have a handkerchief in my desk drawer that belonged to my Father and it still faintly smells like him.  I am sure that as soon as I post this I will remember other fragrances 

Love and hugs


Unknown said...

I love the smell of a freshly opened jar of coffee, Boronia in flower, a baked dinner cooking, lamb roasting, Lavender and peppermint, kids doing craft especially painting, gum leaves, pine trees and of course chocolate.

But my favourite of all is a shoe shop with the leather, saddle soap and the happy juice that seems to emanate from each pair on the shelves.
I can;t wait for "smellivision" and "smellephones"!

Linda J. said...

I love the smell of leather and saddle soap too, Smellivision and smellephones will be wonderful.

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