
What is in your car trunk?

This question could certainly open Pandora's Box as there are lots of things in the trunk/boot of my car.

In South Australia we are not permitted to use plastic shopping bags so we have the fibre ones which we take into the shops with us (when we remember them)  and in the boot of my car are lots of these stored carefully in a little crate that has wheels on it which I can also use for shopping but generally use for trips to the Library.

My shopping bags are in a variety of colours and I usually choose on that matches what I am wearing and at Christmas time my shopping bags all reflect the Christmas Theme.

I will list the things in the boot of my car:

  1. Shopping crate with bags inside it
  2. Fire extinguisher
  3. Tool kit and tyre lever 
  4. Small picnic set with cups, coffee etc. cutlery and plates
  5. Bottle of water
  6. Umbrella
  7. Picnic rug
  8. Personal bag with change of clothes, tooth brush, tooth paste etc. hand gel etc.
  9. First Aid Kit
  10. Poncho for wet weather wear 
  11. Towel
  12. Toilet roll and tissues 
There are other things added dependent on where we are going and for how long.  
My briefcase and my medication are things that are added as required. and I always travel with my handbag in the boot of the car as suggested by a Policeman friend.

I think I have most of life's emergencies covered but would love to hear what you have in your car.

Love and hugs,


Unknown said...

My Lord, you are even organised in the trunk of your car! That sounds more like my backseat than the boot, lol

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