
IT'S BIG WORD DAY...............

It's big word day - declared by Lynne and I am responding to that prompt................

Big words enchant and captivate me - I love the sound, the linkage of the letters, the shape of the written word and of course the meaning.  It really isn't any use knowing big words and using them if you don't know the meaning of them.

My prompt is going to consist of six big words and my challenge to you is to find the meaning of the words.







So there you have six words picked at random and I could rattle on for pages about words I like
but our Mary Poppins days should bring the reminder of the big one


Such a big word and young ones can let if all from their tongue without any problem at all which confirms with me that the best time to teach words, language and foreign languages is when the children are small.

Enjoy finding the meanings of these words and be ever on the look out and listen for new words to add to your vocabulary - we used to always have a "word of the day" - planning this takes a little effort but can be lots of fun. 

Find a word - introduce it to the family with its meaning and then encourage everyone to use it in conversation some time during the day.

In a later blog I shall share my 10 favourite words.

Love and hugs,


Unknown said...

Up for that challenge! I shall let you know

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